A new bus gate aimed at tackling HGV traffic in Colnbrook has been installed on a busy road near Heathrow – after businesses blocked previous efforts.

Slough Borough Council says villagers have complained about HGV traffic ‘for years’. But previous attempts to deal with the problem with a bus gate on Poyle Road were abandoned after the scheme was ‘not well received’ by businesses.

Now the council has introduced updated restrictions on Poyle Road in a bid to reduce the number of HGVs passing through Colnbrook.

The council said: “For years, the council has received feedback around HGV issues on Poyle Road and Bath Road. The main traffic-related issues are the perceived speed and volume of HGVs passing through the residential area along Bath Road.”

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The council has introduced a width restriction for traffic travelling north along Poyle Road using traffic islands outside the Ibotson Court flats. There is also a northbound bus gate just south of Mathisen Way with an enforcement camera.

The council says the aim is to divert HGVs to more suitable roads while ensuring bus routes, businesses and journey times aren’t affected, and to improve road safety.

A previous scheme proposed in 2016 introduced a bus lane in the middle of Poyle Road near the punchbowl pub, with non-HGV traffic able to pass on either side.

But Slough Borough Council says the majority of people responding to a survey on the plans – ‘mainly businesses’ – objected. Businesses complained that the restriction in both ways would mean longer journeys for HGVs travelling towards Heathrow.

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The council said: “A consultation exercise was undertaken in Autumn 2016, and the scheme was not well-received by the majority of respondents, (mainly businesses but also some residents) due to a number of issues.”

It added these issues included ‘the view that the scheme would result in increased traffic in the area (in particular at M25 Junction 14), and longer journeys for key business freight routes to Heathrow Airport’.

The new trial launched on Monday 2 December. People can share their views with Slough Borough Council in a public consultation available on its website, by emailing the council or by phone.

Plans are also available on the council’s website or at its Observatory House offices on Windsor Road.

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Councillor Paul Kelly, responsible for roads, said: “We have implemented this experimental scheme after complaints about HGVs and other traffic issues.

“We always want to hear the views of residents, commuters, businesses and stakeholders. Please give your feedback over the next few months as you get a feel for how it is affecting you and traffic in the area. We can then measure the impact of the experimental scheme.”