Residents at a housing association property have been using their steadfast sense of humour to get through a particularly awful ordeal. 

Bodley House in Iver, which is owned by L&Q Housing, is allegedly overrun with bedbugs and despite the issue being escalated to those who care for the home, nothing has been done about the problem. 

Since news of the infestation first broke out, some of the more well-humoured residents have been jabbing fun at their current situation. 

In an exclusive photograph sent to The Observer, one person wrote on a whiteboard indicating that there was to be a movie night "Bugs Life" referencing the Disney movie, and subsequently the bedbug infestation. 

The situation is allegedly so dire at Bodley House that a bed-bound elderly woman has been taken to hospital after experiencing severe bites all over her body. 

"It's bad all the way through now, and has been like that for months," the family member said. "L&Q are doing nothing about it. One of the residents went into hospital and now isn't returning to the home."

The family member went on to say that all of the residents are being bitten by the pests and no one is doing anything, despite every room being infested and residents and family continuing to ask L&Q for help. 

Robert Wilson, 74, a former health and safety officer,  said that many of his concerns with the property have been raised on Trust Pilot, but he always gets an automated response and nothing is dealt with. 

"They are behaving even worse than the post office scandal. There are tens of thousands of people being affected by this," Mr Wilson continued. 

He went on to say that managers do not regularly check the property, but the last time they came they were wearing full hazmat suits.

The management also allegedly told residents that they wouldn't be able to deal with any of their complaints as it's "too risky" to enter the property with all its issues. 

In response to Mr Wilson's concerns over the bed bug infestation, A spokesperson for L&Q said "We understand and feel your concerns about the situation and the impact it's having on residents. We're deeply sorry to hear about the bed bug infestation and the health issues it has caused, particularly for the elderly resident who was hospitalised.

"We are committed to providing a safe and healthy living environment for all our residents and we're taking your concerns about the lack of action regarding the infestation seriously. Rest assured we're investigating the situation further and we can confirm arrangements are in place for one of our contractors to attend."