A telecoms mast and a farm conversion are in this week’s roundup of planning applications and decisions at Slough Borough Council and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.

You can view each one by going to the council’s planning website and searching for the application number provided.

Slough: Telecoms mast (TEL/2024/22)

A taller telecoms pole is to replace one already standing on Station Road in Langley, Slough Borough Council has been informed.

There is already a 15 metre high pole with five cabinets outside the parade of shops where Langley Road, Langley High Street and Station Road meet.

But Slough Borough Council has been notified of plans to replace this with a 20 metre pole with 12 antennas and three cabinets. The council received and accepted the notification on Thursday September 26.

Slough: Tithe Barn (P/00738/032)

A part-retrospective application to convert offices to flats near a listed building has been refused.

Offices at the Tithe Barn at Tithe Court in Langley Marish have already been converted into flats without planning permission.

A planning statement by Zyntax architects on behalf of the applicant Mr Khera, acknowledges that this was done ‘due to a lack of wise and sufficient advice’ without planning permission or building regulations approval in 2018.

Tithe Barn is close to a listed building – an historic granary – although it is not listed itself.

Zyntax says the conversion has not conflicted with the site’s heritage and believes planning permission would have been granted in 2018.

But council planning officers said residents would have ‘sub-standard living conditions’. They said this was because of ‘the cramped living spaces, poor outlook, poor levels of privacy, and no external amenity space’.

Planning officers refused the plans on Friday, September 27. A separate application by Mr Khera to change the use of the land was withdrawn on Monday, August 12.

Al-Baraka HouseAl-Baraka House (Image: Google)

Slough: Al-Baraka House (F/08105/017)

New plans to convert a shop and offices into flats at Al-Baraka House in Slough town centre have been submitted after previous ones were refused.

The previous plans were refused in August after Slough Borough Council said the applicant hadn’t shown the residents would get acceptable daylight or noise levels, or that there was no contamination risk.

Now new plans have been submitted with a noise impact assessment report, a sunlight and daylight report and an environmental enquiry report. The plans are pending consideration by council planning officers.

RBWM: Farm conversion (24/01818/FULL)

Plans to convert two agricultural buildings into homes at The Granary, Tarbay Farm at Oakley Green in Windsor have been refused.

The plans also included proposals to extend the buildings. But council planning officers said the development would harm the openness of the greenbelt and harm the semi-rural appearance of the site.

They also said the extension would be out of keeping and harmful to the appearance of the existing building.