A few weeks ago I invited readers to “take a fresh look” at Slough’s town centre.

It is not perfect or twee – this is Slough. But if you had done so then you might have seen some giant inflatables such as purple tentacles climbing over the top of Wellington House.

Slough is a “work in progress”, by which I mean there is always something going on here. You can see good things side-by-side with some not so good things. But there is always opportunity and I think at the moment things are getting better.

Last week I attended the ribbon-cutting opening of the council’s street markets initiative on the High Street.

Slough has long had some street traders on the High Street, and they have added to and complemented the offer from our shops there.

Last week we added a community arts market selling local craft items and we have a Christmas market to look forward to.

I had just come from an event thanking the talented local artist Maralin who painted a superb mural of a man playing a saxophone just outside The Curve. I must also thank Slough Bid for making this happen.

That event included music performed by the saxophonist pictured, and a beautiful song from Kinga Zdybel who recently won the Slough’s Got Talent competition.

You will see there and at various locations on the High Street “busking boxes” or “busk stops” marked out, where we encourage musicians and artists to offer street performances.

Slough’s town centre really is beginning to buzz with activity and creativity. At last the number of shops and the footfall of shoppers is going up.

I have long wondered why, given the cosmopolitan and culturally diverse nature of Slough there is not the same diversity in places to eat out here.

Then I walked down Slough High Street again and saw restaurants from Somalia, Syria, Lebanon, Poland, Pakistan, India, China, Japan and more.