Plans to improve Station Road for cyclists and pedestrians have been put out for public consultation.

The proposed changes, between Burnham Lane and the A4 Bath Road, include a new off-road, two-way cycle route on the east side of Station Road.

The council's transport team had submitted a bid to Active Travel England's Active Travel Fund, and was awarded £413,000 to design, construct and monitor the proposed scheme.


A continuous footway across a side roadA continuous footway across a side road (Image: Slough Borough Council)

The route will link directly with the planned A4 Cycle Route at the junction of Station Road and the A4 Bath Road.

New traffic signals will allow cyclists to use the narrow railway underpass in both directions.

Upgrades to the road and footways on Station Road, including resurfacing and new road markings on some sections, are also part of the proposal.

Some road and footway spaces will be realigned and reduced in width to accommodate the cycle route and optimise space.

A new parallel/dual zebra crossing, allowing cyclists to cross alongside pedestrians, is planned near the junction with Burnham Lane, as well as continuous footways across all side roads with vehicle access.


A parallel/dual zebra crossingA parallel/dual zebra crossing (Image: Slough Borough Council)

Councillor Paul Kelly, lead member for housing, highways, planning, and transport, said: "The scheme aims to provide better, safer cycling and walking conditions, as well as to improve access to the railway station and between the station and Bath Road.

"Improved facilities mean more people can use cycling and walking as alternative, sustainable, and low-cost modes of transport, which not only is good for the environment by reducing pollution but also will have benefits for their own physical and mental health.

"I encourage everyone who uses this route to have their say before the deadline."

The allocated money for the scheme is exclusively for this project and cannot be used elsewhere.

The feedback from the consultation will be considered when the council prepares the detailed design of the scheme.

The consultation, which opened on Monday, September 25, will close on October 13.

Residents and users of the route can participate in the consultation online. Leaflets with more details about the scheme can also be collected from Observatory House or Cippenham Library.