A former special constable from the Windsor and Maidenhead area has been barred from joining the police again after performing a sexual act and exposing himself in public.

Former volunteer officer Calum Weeks was caught with over 1,000 explicit images of himself on his company computer. Thames Valley Police chief constable said his behaviour was ‘far below the standards of behaviour expected of a member of the police service’.

The discovery was made after an audit of company computers at Weeks’ full time job found more than 1,000 explicit images on his machine, including of his own genitals, originally from his Snapchat account.

In three of them Weeks was wearing his Thames Valley Police uniform. Some of them showed him exposing his genitals in public places.

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More than 100 videos showed a male performing a sexual act on himself and ejaculating at company offices and toilets, and in public places. Weeks says not all of the videos found were of him.

Former SC Weeks admitted filming himself performing a sexual act on himself at several locations and exposing his genitals in public. He said he only ever exposed himself in the countryside when no one else was around. The police say no criminal offences have been identified from the images.

Weeks said he had exported messages and data from his personal computer to his work computer because his personal one wasn’t working properly. He said he hadn’t realised that he’d uploaded explicit material, which he said had only ever shared with individuals or in private groups.

In Weeks’ misconduct hearing detective constable Marshall said she had assumed all of the videos were of him. She said this because the office furniture in some of the videos was the same as that in those where it was clear it was him performing a sex act on himself.

However she said there had been no ‘forensic examination’ of the images – meaning there was 'no conclusive evidence' to dispute his claim that some of the explicit videos were not of him.

Weeks resigned from the force on March 6, 2024. Thames Valley Polic chief constable Hogg ruled that he should be barred from the police on August 29.

Chief constable Hogg said Weeks had 'taken responsibility for his actions'. But he added: “The only reasonable outcome available to me is dismissal (if still a serving Special Constable) and is what the public would expect in these circumstances. All other sanctions available do not reflect the seriousness of the behaviour of the former Special Constable.”