More than 750 people joined Thames Hospice's 10th anniversary Sunflower Walk, raising £76,000.

The event, which took place on Sunday, September 8, saw participants walking various distances, including 2.5k, 10k, and a half marathon, starting and finishing in the hospice's gardens.

The Sunflower Walk, which began in 2014, has been a significant fundraiser for the hospice, supporting local families during challenging times.

Lucy and Phil from Leisure Focus in Maidenhead were among the participants.

Lucy said: "We are thrilled to be in corporate sponsorship with Thames Hospice. Seven of us took part in the half marathon route to raise money for the hospice.

"The Sunflower Walk was really fun. It’s very inclusive and anyone can join in. It didn’t feel like we had been walking for four hours.

"It’s great team building, takes you away from the office; you get to know your fellow colleagues more and you’re doing it for a good cause.

"We’ve raised £433 so far and we will keep pushing and it will grow as we send it to our networks."

Thames Hospice staffThames Hospice staff (Image: Thames Hospice)

Phil added: "My father who had Alzheimer’s received care at home from Thames Hospice.

"I appreciate from our family’s experience of their care that they really need the funds, so it’s a fantastic opportunity for Leisure Focus to be involved."

The funds raised from this year's event could help fund two nurses for a year.

Jan Barber, known as 'Super Gran Jan', completed the 2.5k route with her family's support in memory of her husband, who received care from the hospice.

The 81-year-old said: "I am chuffed to bits because it was so tough but I did it. Thames Hospice looked after my husband; they made him smile which he hadn’t done for quite a while.

"I think it is a wonderful place and we need to keep fundraising to keep it going. Lots of families need their help and I set out to raise £1,000.

"It’s gone over that now and I am hopeful now I have done the walk that more funds will come in."

Leisure Focus teamLeisure Focus team (Image: Thames Hospice)

After crossing the finishing line, all walkers received an eco-friendly medal, which the charity encourages participants to plant and grow into sunflowers for next season.

Refreshments, entertainment, and a BBQ at the hospice after the walk provided an opportunity for supporters to mingle and admire the metal sunflower display in the hospice gardens.

Emma Andrews, events fundraiser, said: "The Sunflower Walk was a great success, bringing together our local community.

"The energy, enthusiasm, and support shown by everyone who participated was truly heart-warming.

"We're incredibly grateful to everyone who contributed, from hospice staff and volunteers who gave their time to support the event, our sponsor Leisure Focus, the face painters, and crafters who knitted and crocheted our sunflower pin badges."

Thames Hospice, which has been serving the communities of East Berkshire and South Buckinghamshire since 1987, provides complex, specialist palliative and end-of-life care for people with a life-limiting condition, aged 16 years and over, as well as support for their families.