Knife crime is a blight on our communities, which takes lives, ruins futures and tears families apart.

One death caused by knives on our streets is one too many. Therefore, I’m glad that over the last few years there has been a powerful bipartisan effort to get knives off our streets, culminating in the banning of so-called ‘zombie knives’.

From 24 September 2024, it will be illegal to possess, sell, manufacture or transport these zombie-style knives and machetes. This should take thousands of deadly weapons off our streets, save hundreds of lives and keep our communities safe.

If anyone is found in possession of one of these knives or machetes, they could now be given a sentence of up to two years in prison.

As we know, the roots of knife crime are complex and everyone deserves a chance to change, which is why until 23 September 2024, people can surrender zombie knives and machetes to police stations and claim compensation.

For those who wish to dispose their zombie knives anonymously, they can find amnesty bins at Arbour Park or Slough Police station. Knife crime ruins lives – don’t let them ruin yours.