A family in Maidenhead has achieved a significant victory over local authorities, ensuring their daughter's educational rights.

Ella, diagnosed with autism and experiencing developmental delay from childhood, has recently secured a place at Foxes Hotel in Minehead, thanks to support from HCB Solicitors.

With a warm and friendly personality, despite facing challenges early in life like learning to walk and talk, Ella's educational journey started at a nurturing local primary school.

She then attended a specialist secondary school that met her needs.

However, this support reduced dramatically when she enrolled at a mainstream college, propelling her into academic and emotional difficulties.

With a previously successful Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) that aided Ella's placement in a local specialist high school, her family came up against a formidable challenge when the same level of support was denied for her ongoing education by the local authority (LA).

This led the family to enlist the assistance of educational rights specialists, HCB Solicitors.

Rob Price, Director of the Education Department at HCB Solicitors, said: "It was always a pleasure working to get Ella the placement in which she's obviously thriving in now.

"Children, regardless of any disability, should not be denied access to their right of an education.

"I would urge anyone to seek advice if they feel they are not getting the support their child needs."

Despite multiple refusals from the LA, the family’s determination and the legal prowess of HCB Solicitors resulted in Ella obtaining a place at Foxes Hotel, where she is currently thriving.

Ella's mother, Kath, has been profoundly moved by Ella's progress and independence since her placement.

Kath said: "We never accepted that Ella would have to live at home with us—we argued this point with the LA from the very beginning.

"Now, there is a real possibility that she will be able to achieve this independence.

"When she comes home, she does her own washing, cooks for us, and manages her own budget.

"She’s blossoming into a lovely, bright young adult, gaining more independence with every term she spends at Foxes under the guidance of their highly qualified team."

This victory illustrates the crucial role of legal advice in securing the best educational placements for children with special needs.

Kath recommends HCB Solicitors: "Karen at Foxes was instrumental in connecting us with HCB.

"HCB has been absolutely brilliant, and we have already recommended them to another family we know well."

Their story offers hope to other families struggling with similar challenges and validates the significant impact of right support on the lives of children with special needs.