Concerns have been raised about the safety of a canal towpath in Langley.

Ranjit Kooner noticed the bank giving way along the Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal near Middlegreen Road.

She told the Observer: “It’s in a really dangerous spot – someone could go into the water with the bank like that. I’ve taken pictures but they don’t do it justice because you can’t see the full damage.”

Ms Kooner, 63, a member of the Friends of Slough Canal, reported the issue to the Canal and Rivers Trust (CRT), which is responsible for managing the canal.

A spokesperson for the CRT said ‘scarce funds’ means repairs may not happen soon. But they said they’d seen no sign that the bank was continuing to give way.

The spokesperson said: “A routine inspection by the Trust identified some structural failure of the bank at this location.

“However our charity must prioritise repairs to our 2,000-mile, 250-year-old network to make best use of scarce funds, and while we cannot confirm a date for repair at this stage we would reassure towpath users that there has been no further movement since that inspection.”

Ms Kooner also said she wondered whether the erosion was caused by anglers digging for worms, as she’d seen some digging previously. But the CRT said that ‘does not appear to be the cause’.