Extinction Rebellion has insisted its ‘action-packed weekend’ of protest in Windsor will continue after a council said it couldn’t support it. But organisers say the event won’t involve public disruption.

The climate change protest group is planning a three-day protest in Home Park near Windsor Castle, ending on Sunday September 1. The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead council has said it ‘cannot support’ unlicensed festival-style camping on site.

An Extinction Rebellion (XR) spokesperson said the protest will go ahead. Catherine Bartlett for Extinction Rebellion UK said: “Conversations have been taking place with the Crown Estate, the Council and the police for months in order to ensure they protect our right to protest.

“Due to various factors they cannot endorse it, but as we are continuing to consider local residents and other measures this should not impact those attending.

READ MORE: Extinction Rebellion says huge camp near Windsor Castle will go ahead

“The action will go ahead as planned, and XRUK is doing everything it can to ensure that both the protest and the campsite will be safe for everyone.”

Windsor MP Jack Rankin said he was concerned about the potential for ‘significant disruption’ during the protest. He called on the council to get ready to take ‘legal action’ if protesters stay beyond the planned three days.

In a statement on Thursday, August 29 he said: “It is my view that if those involved go beyond the approved space in the park or beyond the timeframe which they have been made welcome then action should be taken.

“Overstaying their welcome as planned would not be a criminal offence, but it would be a civil offence. As such, for the police to take action, the Royal Borough would first have to take legal action. I call on the Royal Borough to prepare to take that legal action now.”

But XR organisers said they don’t plan to cause any public disruption during the three day protest. Instead, its programme of action describes three days of performance and debate.

The group says that after the camp has been set up on Friday, action will begin with a performance by people dressed in black, representing oil slicks, down the park's Long Walk.

It says this will show ‘how our political, judicial and media systems now serve the interests of oil, money, and other villains’.

Extinction Rebellion says the ‘centrepiece’ of the protest will be a ‘mass assembly’ where people can debate and vote on what they think is needed to improve democracy in the UK.

There will then be another public gathering from Sunday at 11am featuring speakers, block printing and music.

The three-day event will close at 1pm on Sunday with another performance protest intended to ‘dramatise the death and revival of democracy through theatre, large-scale puppetry and communal song.’