Monsters have invaded Slough town centre in a summer holiday ‘carnival of chaos.’

The friendly beasts have been spotted on landmarks around the town, with families invited to hunt them down before they leave by the end of next week.

Town centre businesses hoped the guests would “bring smiles to people’s faces as they see these monsters appearing from rooftops or reaching out from corners of the town centre.”

People arriving in Slough by train will find themselves watched from on high by a ‘nosy bonk’ peering down on the station from The Porter Building, while a ‘bezerker’ screams and hollers from the top of the nearby Future Works.

Along the high street, giant creepy tentacles writhe from out of the Queensmere and Observatory shopping centres’ roofs, while just down the road a cute family of ‘goofs’ sit atop the brickworks.

Then, just out of earshot, a ‘howler’ at Aston Bond on Windsor Road bellows across the rooftops.

Slough BID – a group of town centre businesses – invites families to into town to track them down before they leave on Thursday, August 22. A QR code near each monster will bring up a map to help you find them all.

Slough BID said: “Bring your ‘little monsters’ to Slough as we welcome our ‘giant monsters’ and witness the carnival of fun they unleash upon our Town Centre.”