Some of the homeless people evicted from Stabmonk Park are struggling to find alternative accommodation, a charity has said.

At least 10 people were removed from the overgrown park in Chalvey as Slough Borough Council sought to clean up the area. A large homeless camp had become established there in the previous few months.

But although some of them have been rehoused, others have been left searching for a place to go, Shin Dhother of charity Slough Outreach told the Observer. He said: “The people living there come to our pop up soup kitchen every night.

“We don’t really ask questions but I know some of them don’t get temporary accommodation and are sofa surfing – they’ve gone underground really.”

READ MORE: Inside the hidden homeless camps of Slough

But Slough Borough Council says of the people it found there, nine were 'street homeless' and others had access to stable accommodation. It says three people refused support while six others were placed in off-street accommodation.

It also says employment and housing was found for one young person in another borough.

Dozens of people were found living in Stabmonk Park in between Seymour Road and the old Montem Leisure Centre after a fire broke out there last month.

Neighbours on Seymour Road have said up to 15 people at a time had been living in Stabmonk Park for months before the fire broke out on July 8.

Now Slough Borough Council says it has begun work to bring the park back into community use. This involved removing people from the camp.

A spokesperson said: "As the council's aim was to bring back into use this green space, we offered help and support to anyone found there.

"Our homeless team aims to support anyone sleeping rough, regardless of their eligibility, but obviously the options for those with no recourse are very limited."