An exciting event was recently held to encourage all in the community to be social and get to know the people around them. 

On Saturday July 20 Wexham Court Parish Council held their First Ever 'Meet Your Neighbours Festival' at Cherries Park in Wexham.

An event such as this one is great to maintain a neighbourly relationship between the town's inhabitants and to make new connections and friends wherever they may live. 

Over 250 Slough residents attended and were treated to a feast of community stalls, food, farm animals, and entertainment.

The farm animals at the event included two small goats which attendees loved to watch being fed and even had the pleasure of stroking them whilst they trotted about in their caged pen.

The event was jointly organised by Parish Cllr Gaye Jeyne and Cllr Shaida Akbar to get more people involved in the community in Slough.

With the town often getting a less than favourable reputation, events such as these are important to rejuvenate the sense of community.

Cllr Shaida Akbar said: "Great community cohesion event...very well attended and enjoyable day." Jay from Immersive Computing commented: "We had a great time sharing VR tech with the local community."

Slough CVS' Wellbeing at Home project, funded by Cadent, provided residents with energy saving information and advice and free carbon monoxide alarms.

Cllr Jeyne said it great see so many happy faces. The Chair Parish Mubassir Ahmed attended the day to enjoy cup chai with residents.