The member of parliament for Slough has been out and about in the local community once again promoting his political party and its members. 

Tan Dhesi has been going door to door in a certain neighbourhood in the town along with a cohort of other members of the Labour Party. 

The MP took to social media to explain to the public what the group was trying to achieve by going door to door promoting their political party.

He explained on Facebook that they were promoting their candidates for the upcoming Wexham Parish council election.

Along with several photographs of the members, Mr Dhesi posted the following caption to social media: 

"What better way to spend sunny Slough Sunday afternoon than #LabourDoorstep campaign for the Wexham Parish council election?

"Please #VoteLabour on Thursday 25 July for our 5 brilliant candidates, who will work hard for improvements in their local community."