A Buckinghamshire dad says he 'wants justice' after women were allegedly sexually assaulted at a Burnham pub. 

The women had been enjoying a night out and had taken part in karaoke before they were allegedly groped by a man who walked past them by the bar on Saturday night (July 20). 

He continued: “A woman has got the right to say who can touch her and who can't,

“If she says no, it must be respected.

"So, I’m disgusted that a stranger came up and touched my daughter."

An altercation followed where a man was injured in a fight.

The injured man passed away three days later in hospital, police said. 

A 28-year-old man has since been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and is currently in custody.

They will appear in court at a later date. 

If you have been impacted by the nature of this story, please call the sexual assault helpline which is 0808 500 2222.