An important historical event that takes place every year to celebrate the pupils of an esteemed past school in Slough will occur today. 

Former attendees of Slough Grammar School have been invited to the annual reunion on Saturday July 20 which will take place at Upton Court Grammar School. 

Speaking to a former pupil from the since renamed school Alan Forbes, 88, said that he looks forward to returning each year to look back on his formative years. 

"It's basically a get together with pupils who were at the original Slough High School which was a girl's school and Slough Grammar School," he said. 

"The reunions have been going on for a really long time now. Many years. This joined reunion happens once a year, and I went to Slough Grammar School."

Mr Forbes said he wanted to speak about the reunion to spread the word that it is still happening and to gather as many attendees as possible. 

He said that events kick off at around 11 am and depending upon how many people can help they often have lots of things on display for past pupils to look at. 

"Cups and shields and things. They also have a facility where you can trace your old friends who were pupils there through a computer system," Mr Forbes continued. 

"It's a social get together of all the people from over the years that have been to those two schools."

Mr Forbes said that he has been attending the event for years and always has a wonderful time. 

He said that he enjoys reading the old school records and admissions from the time he was at Slough Grammar School. 

He continued "A lot of the handwritten stuff, lots of photographs to see as well which is really nice. Trophies and things are also nice to look at that were donated by companies over the years.

"But basically it's a way for all the past students to keep in touch. Fortunately there's enough attending to keep it going. We're going back quite a few years so a lot of people aren't with us anymore.

"It's really memories of the school and the teachers and the various activities that took place."

Slough Grammar is now Upton Court Grammar School but it is still on the same site and has been extended considerably since the time when Mr Forbes attended. 

The Old Paludians reunion will take place on the Upton Court Grammar School premises.

Mr Forbes still lives on the road opposite the school and has done so for a number of years.