Langley Leisure Centre has been branded a ‘disgusting filth trap’ by an angry parent after the swimming pool was left with ‘no chlorine in it'.

The parent – who didn’t want to be named – said they’d noticed water getting cloudy and dirty during their children’s swimming lessons. Everyone Active, which runs the centre, confirmed a mechanical issue affected chlorine levels but said it ‘takes pride’ in its strict cleaning routine.

The parent said: “We could see the water was cloudy and getting worse but we were assured all was fine yet that Saturday they cancelled swimming lessons as the water had turned green.”

They added that they felt changing rooms were ‘never cleaned’ and you ‘can find clumps of hair in the showers some of which remain there for several days'.

The parent also claimed that showers in the men’s changing rooms had been broken– and gym equipment is often out of order.

And they complained that children’s swimming classes often get merged – with instructors teaching as many as 21 swimmers at a time. They said this is ‘a shame’ as the instructors ‘are very good'.

Everyone Active confirmed that it briefly shut the main swimming pool on Saturday, June 22, after a mechanical fault decreased chlorine levels. But it said staff took ‘immediate action to cancel all morning sessions for the safety of swimmers’ and ‘swiftly rectified the issue'.

The company said it carries out ‘daily cleaning and regular deep cleans’ prioritising the pool and changing rooms. Contract manager Luke Routhorn said: “We work hard to clean our facilities to a high standard, particularly during busy periods with high footfall.

“We apologise if customer expectations have not been met on this occasion and will continue to improve the cleanliness of the centre.”

Mr Routhorn also said the company works closely with Slough Borough Council – which owns the centre – to repair equipment. But he said delays ‘can sometimes occur due to factors outside of both parties’ control'.

And he said that all swimming lessons adhere to guidelines by the governing body Swim England including class sizes. He said: “On rare occasions, we may need to merge classes, but we only do so with lower occupancy classes and always have a qualified level 1 instructor accompanying the session.”

A Slough Borough Council spokesperson said the council had received no complaints about Langley Leisure Centre and encouraged people with concerns to raise them with staff on site.

They added: “We are in regular contact with the Everyone Active management, we do regular audits on site and there are robust cleaning procedures in place, which we monitor.”