A resident has recently raised her concerns regarding an ongoing issue she has been having with her neighbour. 

Christine Church, 72, who lives in Slough said that the man who lives next to her is refusing to tidy up his garden despite it being completely overgrown with brambles and her having seen rats on the premises.

"I've been complaining about my neighbour's garden to the council for the past 15 years," Ms Church said.

"It's overgrown, it's like a jungle. It's got rats in there and I've had to buy rat traps. He's got trees growing out of his patio and everywhere is really overgrown. 

"There's brambles covering the whole of his garden and they're coming into my garden."

Ms Church said that she has tried everything to sort out the issue, and has been in touch with the council about it for years but nothing has been done about it. 

She has allegedly phoned numerous councillors and has raised the issue numerous times via phone and email to Slough Borough Council. 

A spokesperson for the council said “We will be visiting the area to review the complaint and to determine what action might be taken.”

Ms Church said that she spoke to the housing officer for her council estate and she allegedly was told that someone would come out soon to tell her neighbour face to face that the garden needs to be tidied. 

"I was then told that no one was coming out and instead they were just sending a letter," Ms Church said. "They said they were gonna tell him that he has to clear his garden in seven days."

So far, the garden still remains overgrown. 

She continued: "He would never be able to do that garden by himself. You would need a bulldozer! It is so bad. The trees are that big and the grass is about six foot high."

Ms Church said that an oak tree growing from his garden is so big it's coming on to her property. The other tree at the end of his garden is allegedly also protruding onto her property. 

She said that she can now see right underneath her fence as the garden waste has lifted it. 

"I'm 72 years old yet I can still keep a nice garden. It's just not fair as he is ruining that for me. He is in his 40s. It's laziness if you ask me."