A GAMER couple have been ordered to pay more than £5,000 by court after being too noisy while on the Xbox.

Kevin Kimani and Caroline Gitau, of Franklin Avenue, were taken to court by Slough Borough Council after noise complaints were received over the pairs gaming habits in January 2023.

The council received complaints relating to noise from computer games and people gathering, shouting and arguing during nighttime hours of between 11pm and 7am and prolonged regular periods on the weekends.

Following an investigation, where noise monitoring equipment was installed and affected residents completed noise diaries, a noise abatement notice was issued in October 2023.

The noise ban was breached within a few days and a warrant was issued to seize noise making equipment from the property in November 2023. The seized equipment included a TV, games console, games, speakers and amplifiers.

Kimani and Giatu were taken to court and prosecuted by the council for a statutory noise nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

They were both found guilty, in their absence, at a hearing on Monday, July 1, at Reading Magistrates’ Court.

The gaming duo were each ordered by the court to pay a total of £2,531, which included a £480 fine, £1,859 prosecution costs and a victim surcharge of £192.

Slough Borough Council lead member for equalities, public health and public protection Ishrat Shah said: “This is a great result and a lesson to others not to cause such misery to their neighbours by being too noisy.

“A deprivation order was approved which means the seized equipment will not be returned to the couple.

“We want residents to live peacefully in their homes without statutory nuisance from others and we will continue to take action against those who are anti-social, with noise or other behaviour.”