A mother has expressed her anguish after a decision was made that meant her autistic son could not attend a higher education college, despite his place having been accepted. 

Windsor resident Geraldine Barron, mother to Brandon Barron who is 16, said that her son is distraught that he will no longer be able to carry on his studies. 

The council had previously told Mrs Barron that they were stopping Brandon's special education plan which supports him throughout his studies once he leaves his current school.

After offering limited suggestions of what kind of institutions they could send Brandon to Mrs Barron, not wanting her son to be out of education, found a college setting that said they would take him.

"The college said they could meet his needs," she said. "But the council told me that as they had already decided to stop the plan, and would not agree to Brandon starting at the college."

"Brandon wants to go to college. He's been there and seen it and he wants to carry on learning and they've basically just turned around and said no!"

Brandon's current placement also disagree with the council's decision and have written a letter outlining his abilities.

A local councillor also showed their support, stating that he must stay in education and that it is a legal requirement for pupils to stay until they are 18.

A spokesperson said that the council seeks to work with families, carers and schools to best meet the individual needs of children and young people with SEND, as they progress through their education and make the transition to adulthood with the right ongoing support in place.

They said "We know this can be a challenging and unsettling time, which is why post-16 options are discussed early with families and centre on the young person’s specific needs at that time.

"When a decision is made to cease an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), this is made in conjunction with the young person and their family, and we ensure appropriate support services and opportunities are in place for the next stage in their life, which might include social services support within the community.

"Every young person with SEND is different. Whilst we recognise some young people need additional support to complete education and/or training, not all those with an EHCP remain in education until age 25 as this is not a requirement."

Mrs Barron said that because of the council's decision Brandon may only have the option to attend adult social care groups weekly.

If she does not get the decision turned around this would mean that instead of attending college full time Brandon would only be allowed to attend a group for a couple of hours a week. 

"He won't even do that," Mrs Barron said. "As groups are something that he struggles with."