On the evening of October 2, 2022, news broke that a young man had been brutally murdered on the streets of Slough.

While out cycling, 21-year-old Kyron Lee had been run down by a stolen car, driven by a gang armed with machete-style knives.

Four men piled out of the car and chased him into Waterman Court, a nearby residential street, where they hacked him to death.

All this took place in a well-lit area, in full view of numerous householders - who contacted the emergency services.

The killing would take investigators on a crusade spanning almost two years, with a total of six men convicted over the slaying.

Four of Mr Lee's killers were jailed this month (June 2024), with two others still awaiting sentencing over their role in the fatal attack.

Mohammed Elgamri, 18, of Carter Close, Windsor, was jailed for a minimum of 23 years and four months, while Fras Seedahmed, 19, of Surrey Avenue, Slough, will serve at least 21 years and four months behind bars.

Yaqhub Mussa, 21, of Daylesford Grove, Slough, has been jailed for a minimum of 22 years, while Khalid Nur, 22, of Graylands Close, Slough, will serve 24 years and three months in prison.

Both Mr Lee and his killers were members of rival gangs - although investigators and lawyers in the case have been unable to pinpoint a motive behind the savage killing.

Details surrounding the prelude to the murder, as well as its aftermath, were set out over the course of two trials at Reading Crown Court.

The machetes used by the gang were purchased some time prior to the killing, as was the stolen Golf used to run down Mr Lee.

On the day of the killing, Elgamri and Seedahmed travelled to Slough from London, before meeting with their co-conspirators at a chicken shop.

Jailing three of the gang on June 19 this year, Judge Amjad Nawaz highlighted the extremely public nature of the murder.

He said: "This shows that those involved did not care."

Using the extensive CCTV evidence available, police swiftly identified all members of the gang as suspects.

After hacking Mr Lee to death, the killers sought to flee the UK - but only one was able to remain at large for long.

Elias Almallah, 22, of Eltham Avenue, Slough, caught a plane to Madrid just two days after the stabbing.

At Almallah's trial this March, prosecuting barrister Christopher Hewertson set out his movements, spanning thousands of miles.

Mr Hewertson said: "He [Almallah] wasn't in Spain very long, because three days later he entered Turkey via Istanbul International Airport.

"He remained within Turkey, as far as we're able to determine, for just under two months. He left Turkey - by a different airport, in fact - and flew to Cairo, and entered Egypt."

For reasons unknown, Almallah voluntarily returned to the UK in July 2023 - by which point Nur and Mussa had already been convicted over the murder.

Mussa had been arrested at border control while trying to catch a flight out of the UK, telling police he had been trying to go on holiday to Somalia.

Nur was only brought to justice due to an oversight on his part, as his passport was due to expire - preventing him from catching his plane.

He was arrested shortly after the killing.

Seedahmed drove the car which ran down Mr Lee, and ferried the killers to and from the scene.

He was just 17 at the time - and his defence barrister suggested that he had only been roped into the murder plot at a very late stage, after the original driver broke his arm.

At trial, the gang denied any involvement in the killing - and prosecutors were at pains to place them directly at the scene in Waterman Close.


They all wore masks, and only one of the machetes was ever recovered by police.

An early breakthrough in the investigation came when officers tracked down the stolen Golf - the movements of which had been captured by multiple CCTV cameras in the hours leading up to the stabbing.

Almallah's fingerprints were found inside the vehicle.

Clothing and footwear worn by one of the masked killers was matched to Seedahmed, who had been filmed and photographed wearing it months prior to the murder.

Mussa did not even stand trial over the killing.

He instead pleaded guilty to the charges against him - extremely rare in a murder case.

The killing provided an explosive insight into a culture of youth violence on Slough's streets.

Of this, Judge Nawaz said: "The evidence shows clearly that there was a gang culture. Violence was an accepted form of behaviour.

"Young men have been attacked by other young men, armed with knives and machetes."

In a statement read out in court, Kyron Lee's family remembered him as an 'amazing young man', with dreams of becoming an engineer.

Donna Lesner, his mother, said: "Kyron was more than my son, he was my rock, my biggest supporter and he made me proud to be his mother.

"Even in his death Kyron touched so many people’s lives and I'm thankful to everyone who has shown love and support for Kyron.

She paid tribute to the authorities for helping to bring the killers to justice, saying: "We can now let Kyron rest in peace."