Azhar Chohan is a candidate backed by the national Independent Network. He is an immigration adviser and a former caseworker for Slough’s Labour MPs but left the Labour Party in April this year.

Why do you want to represent Slough? My family connections to this town go back 65 years. My wife and children were born here and I’ve been proud to call the Slough community my home for the last 25 years. I want to represent Slough because the very people that I have lived and worked alongside feel ignored and disenfranchised by a Labour party that have overseen the decline of our beloved town and a Conservative government that has run this country into the ground. I also believe we need to be represented by elected officials that are part of the very communities they are standing to represent.

What are the three biggest challenges facing Slough? Slough is a vibrant and diverse town with much to offer, but it faces significant challenges that need urgent attention. The three most pressing challenges are the lack of investment in our high street and town due to failed Labour leadership, high waiting times for hospital and GP appointments leading to health inequality, and the lack of affordable, safe, and secure housing.

One of the most visible and concerning issues in Slough is the lack of investment in our high street and town centre. Over the years, inadequate leadership has led to missed opportunities for revitalising these crucial areas. Failed Labour policies have left our high street struggling, with empty shops and a decline in foot traffic. This neglect not only affects the local economy but also the sense of community and pride among residents. It's essential that we develop and implement a strategic plan to attract businesses, enhance public spaces, and create a vibrant town centre that residents can be proud of and that draws visitors from surrounding areas.

Health inequality is another significant challenge in Slough, exacerbated by high waiting times for hospital and GP appointments. Residents often face long delays before receiving necessary medical care, which can lead to worsening health conditions and increased anxiety. This issue disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, contributing to a cycle of health disparities.

The housing crisis in Slough is a pressing concern, with many residents struggling to find affordable, safe, and secure homes. The demand for housing far exceeds the supply, leading to inflated prices and forcing many families into substandard living conditions. This lack of affordable housing not only affects the financial stability of residents but also their mental and physical health. It is imperative to prioritise the development of affordable housing projects, implement policies that protect tenants' rights, and ensure that all housing meets safety standards.

What issues are you campaigning on, and what causes will you be championing if elected? In addition to the above, one of the most pressing issues in our area is the rise in knife crime and anti-social behaviour. This is not just a statistic; it's a real threat to the safety and well-being of our residents, particularly our young people. I will work tirelessly to implement and support community-led initiatives, increase police presence, and enhance youth outreach programs. By collaborating with local schools, youth organisations, and law enforcement, we can create a comprehensive approach to prevention and intervention, ensuring that our streets are safer for everyone.

Our town has tremendous potential, but it has been held back by a lack of investment. I am committed to attracting new businesses and supporting local entrepreneurs to create jobs and apprenticeship schemes to boost our economy. This includes advocating for improved infrastructure, better public services, and revitalisation projects that will make Slough an attractive place to live and work. By investing in our town, we can create a prosperous future for all residents.

It is also essential that the people making decisions about our community truly understand and represent our needs. Too often, decisions are made by those who are not familiar with the unique challenges and opportunities in Slough. I will fight to bring back localised decision-making, ensuring that our elected officials are from the places they represent and are directly accountable to their constituents. This means advocating for greater transparency, community involvement in decision-making processes, and policies that reflect the voices of our residents.

How will you help struggling high streets and town centres? The High Street is in decay, with shops closing and brands departing. Whilst nearby towns including Reading and Bracknell have seen successful town centre regeneration projects, in Slough’s High Street the rate of persistent vacancy has increased 258% since 2015. I promise professional leadership for our town, and sensible policies to stabilise Slough’s economy and bring prosperity to its residents.

I will provide leadership and vision alongside local business owners, and the council to unlock the potential of our High Street. We will form a new plan for regeneration that includes promoting Slough as an attractive investment in order to secure vital funding. Negotiations with investors will be handled professionally, contrary to how they are being handled currently, and we will promote sustainable development. I will lobby for cuts to business rates to incentivise entrepreneurship and support our local businesses.

How can you help make sure people can afford to live here while protecting our green spaces and countryside from development? Slough is facing an urgent Housing Affordability Crisis caused by Labour incompetence locally and Tory negligence nationally. House prices in Slough are significantly higher than the national average, and wages have not kept up. Over 2,800 people in Slough are waiting for social housing, and the waiting list is the longest it has been in a decade.

Far too many are trapped in cycles of poverty by high rents and a lack of housing. Slough’s Labour council spent too much time providing licences to developers who built luxury properties without considering local needs, and Labour’s national housebuilding targets lack ambition and strategy.

I will work with government and council authorities for a reformed planning system, focussing on building on brownfield, disused, and environmentally unfriendly sites where possible. I will push for all new developments to include at least 30% genuinely affordable housing, and to introduce stricter standards on both social and private housing to tackle dangerous conditions such as damp and mould.

Our urban and rural green spaces must be protected, and we must ensure our environmental heritage sites are preserved, not sold off. This includes Slough’s parks, as well as our historic wetlands and streams.

How will you help councils struggling with their finances? Can you help them to deal with the special educational needs crisis? Will you want the government to continue the Household Support Grant? Slough’s economic potential is huge, but we need competent management to unlock it and ensure it benefits our residents. I have seen how the Labour council mismanaged negotiations with external investors, and I promise a more professional approach to bring money into our town. We must bring Slough out of the unprecedented economic chaos and bankruptcy which past politicians led us into – this will be the primary focus of my work inside and outside Parliament.

For example, Slough is the largest Data Centre hub in Europe, and I will push for policy reform to ensure the local council can retain 100% of business rates of new critical infrastructure developments like data centres, instead of the current cap of 50%. This will benefit our local public services such as education and transport links, as Slough leads the UK into a new era of technology and AI.

Both Labour and the Tories have failed children with special educational needs. Tory austerity has decimated schools’ resources, and Labour’s plan for 6,500 new teachers across the entire UK is nowhere near enough.

As your MP, I will implement a plan alongside the council and organisations such as Slough Children First, which have had their funding cut nationally and are not delivering adequate levels of service. We will work with staff to clear the backlog of EHCPs and improve their quality. I believe every child deserves tailored support to maximise their opportunities.

In Parliament I will support expansion of the Household Support Grant, which offers critical help to those in precarious and vulnerable situations. At the same time I will champion policies that address the underlying causes of poverty in the UK, such as housing and employment reform – listening to Slough residents’ concerns at every stage.

What car do you drive? I drive an EV!

What's your favourite film or TV show? Only fools and horses, a classic!

When was the last time you cried? Seeing the horrific and barbaric scenes in Gaza

Have you ever taken illegal drugs? No