Adnan Shabbir is the Workers Party of Britain candidate. He has worked developing medical equipment for the healthcare industry.

What’s your connection to Slough, or why do you want to represent Slough? I have been a Slough resident for the last 25 years. As a resident of Slough, I have witnessed firsthand the decline in various aspects of our beloved town.I want to represent Slough because I am committed to addressing these pressing challenges and working towards the betterment of our town.

Over the years, I have seen our public services deteriorate, leaving residents without the support they need. Our streets have become less safe, and finding affordable housing has become increasingly difficult. The council's financial struggles have only compounded these issues, limiting the resources available to tackle them effectively safely.

What are the three biggest challenges facing Slough? Public safety, housing crises, financial stability for the council.

What issues are you campaigning on, and what causes will you be championing if elected? Improving Public Safety: Implementing effective crime prevention strategies and working closely with law enforcement to ensure our streets are safe for everyone.

Addressing the Housing Crisis: Advocating for the development of affordable housing and supporting initiatives that provide housing assistance to those in need.

Strengthening Public Services: Ensuring that our public services are adequately funded and managed to meet the needs of our community.

Financial Stability for the Council: Promoting transparent and responsible financial practices within the council to address the deficit and avoid future insolvency issues.

How will you help struggling high streets and town centres? The key initiatives I will focus on to support the struggling high street will be Business rates incentives, promote local shopping, events and markets. We also need to enhance infrastructure i.e public transport and parking, beautification projects.

Online presence for local business, free WiFi zones, community engagement with regular consultation. Safety and security has been a concern so increased policing and CCTV.

How can you help make sure people can afford to live here while protecting our green spaces and countryside from development? Ensuring that people can afford to live in Slough while also protecting our green spaces and countryside from overdevelopment is a challenging but crucial goal. Here’s how I plan to achieve this balance:

Redevelop Brownfield sites, incentivise developers who develop brownfield sites, inclusionary zoning, implement policies requiring new developments to include a percentage of affordable housing units, promote sustainable urban development and also work with the local council to enhance existing green spaces.

How will you help councils struggling with their finances? Can you help them to deal with the special educational needs crisis? Will you want the government to continue the Household Support Grant? Lobby for increased funding, equitable funding distribution, proper financial audits and promote shared services between neighbouring councils.

Lobby the government to increase funding specifically earmarked for SEN, advocate for dedicated grants for SEN provision, ensure funds are used effectively to support children with special needs, improve SEN training and resources. This includes teachers training and resource allocation for schools.

We also need to streamline assessment processes, efficient assessments, reducing wait times and ensuring timely support for students in need.

I will also advocate for the continuation of the household support grant.

What car do you drive (do you drive)? Did not answer

What's your favourite film or TV show? Did not answer

When was the last time you cried? Did not answer

Have you ever taken illegal drugs? Did not answer