Carers came together at an event at Ditton Manor, to have their efforts recognised and celebrated.

The celebration with more than 100 carers on Monday June 10 was the launch event for Carers Week, which runs this week with the theme of “putting carers on the map.”

Carers Week seeks to increase visibility for carers with decision makers, services, employers, and communities and recognise carers for the challenges they face and support they need.

Ditton Manor donated their venue for free to show their appreciation to carers who do so much for their loved ones and to give them a chance to have some relaxation time.

There was live entertainment, including a dance show with 21 dancers from Creative Academy, on the beautiful lawn outside the venue, as well as a magician and Indian drums to wow guests.

Three carers spoke about their lived experience of caring and gifts were given to carer leads across Slough.

Jane Senior, Director of Commissioning, said: “This was a fantastic event to celebrate carers in Slough. Their efforts cannot be underestimated, and it was great to be able to show our appreciation.

“There were plenty of smiles throughout the day, with vibrant entertainment, a delicious buffet, laughing yoga, taster massage, beauty treatments, and more.

“More than 30 organisations were involved, so we thank everyone for coming along and taking part. The carers certainly enjoyed it.”

Guests enjoyed a farewell sing along alongside Monique from Slough Music Service, who played the guitar and got carers to join in with instruments.