Three men have been jailed for a combined total of almost 70 years over the brutal gangland killing of 21-year-old Kyron Lee.

Mr Lee was run down by a gang driving a stolen Golf in Slough on October 2, 2022.

Four of the group then got out of the vehicle and hacked him to death with machete-style knives.

At Reading Crown Court today (June 19), Judge Amjad Nawaz said the murder was the result of "tit-for-tat" violence between rival gangs.

He said: "The evidence shows clearly that there was a gang culture. Violence was an accepted form of behaviour.

"Young men have been attacked by other young men, armed with knives and machetes."

The judge today sentenced three of the killers to life in prison.

Mohammed Elgamri, 18, of Carter Close, Windsor, was jailed for a minimum of 23 years and four months, while Fras Seedahmed, 19, of Surrey Avenue, Slough, will serve at least 21 years and four months behind bars.

Yaqhub Mussa, 21, of Daylesford Grove, Slough, has been jailed for a minimum of 22 years.

This means that the three will serve a combined total of almost 70 years in prison.

In his sentencing remarks, Judge Nawaz painted a shocking picture of violence and criminality on the streets of Slough.

Mr Lee and his killers were members of rival gangs - and Mussa was himself attacked multiple times in the run-up to the slaying.

In the months prior to the murder, the defendants purchased weapons and acquired a stolen Golf.

Elgamri - an engineering student at the University of East London - travelled from the capital with Seedahmed to take part in the killing.

On the evening of October 2, Seedahmed acted as driver for the gang, ploughing the Golf into Mr Lee - who was out riding his bike.

Mr Lee got up, only to be chased down by a group of four, who got out of the car brandishing machetes.

Judge Nawaz remarked on the public nature of the killing, which took place in Waterman Court - a well-lit residential street.

He said: "This shows that those involved did not care."

Mr Lee's injuries were catastrophic, and he was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.

Judge Nawaz identified a stab wound to his leg as the "fatal" injury.

All five of the men who took part in the murder attempted to flee abroad.

However, only one - 21-year-old Elias Almallah, of Eltham Avenue, Slough - was able to remain at large for an extended period of time.

Almallah was not sentenced with the other defendants today, and will appear before the court at a later date.

Rounding off proceedings, Judge Nawaz said: "Kyron Lee may have had his faults. That did not give anybody the right to take his life. And all for what?

"Having sat through the trials stemming from this incident, I am still not able to identify what the motive was of those who committed this serious offence."

The judge said he hoped the killers could "rekindle" themselves while serving their long prison sentences.

He added: "But that's not possible for the parents, siblings and friends of Kyron Lee. His life was taken by these defendants."

Another of the killers - Khalid Nur, 20, of Graylands Close, Slough - will be sentenced tomorrow (June 20).