The people vying to be Slough’s next MP made their pitches to residents of the town at a hustings hosted by Asian Star Radio on Tuesday.

Labour’s Tan Dhesi, Conservative Moni Nanda, The Greens’ Julian Edmonds and Liberal Democrat Chelsea Whyte debated alongside Azhar Chohan of the Independent Network, and independent Diana Coad.

Mr Chohan opened by insisting he was ‘passionate’ about Slough and said he would represent all its communities. He criticised both the Conservatives and the Labour Party.

He said: “I’m passionate about Slough. I think the Tories have bankrupted this country. Under the Labour leadership in Slough, Slough council has been bankrupted.

“We need to stop being controlled by the parties in Westminster. The people need somebody who is accountable to them.”

Ms Coad said she wanted to see more police patrolling the streets, stop councils in London housing homeless families in the town, and ‘get rid of the bus lanes.’

Mr Dhesi said that Slough would be ‘neglected’ if anyone other than a Labour MP was elected. He said: “We need to get a Labour government elected – and we need a strong Labour voice at the heart of that government.

“If we elect any other MP apart from a Labour MP we will not be able to get the same amount of resources and in essence be a neglected voice. Our town has been neglected over the last 14 years of a Conservative government.”

Mr Edmonds said a vote for a Green Party MP would be a vote ‘for a completely different way of doing politics.”

Ms Nanda said she ‘would service this town in the best way I know how.’  She said the Conservative Party was ‘facing a trial by media’ but admitted the party ‘isn’t perfect – no party is.’

She added she believed that in Slough, ‘the way we are raised, the way we think, the way we behave is very much in line with true Conservative values.’ She emphasised the Conservatives’ focus on ‘British values.’

Ms Whyte said she had joined the Liberal Democrats because she was ‘tired of two party politics and the perception that it was the best this country could do.’

She added that the Liberal Democrats are ‘the only party with a combination of policies to bring about real change in tackling the issues that are concerning to Slough residents.’

Independent candidate Chandra Muvvala, Nick Smith of the Heritage Party and Robin Jackson of Reform UK who are also standing were invited but did not attend.