A man who used a stolen bank card to purchase £40 of whisky was caught out following a police CCTV appeal.

A jury found Manjinder Hothi guilty on two charges of committing fraud by false representation.

The 44-year-old, of Salt Hill Drive, Slough, appeared before Reading Crown Court for sentencing today (June 13).

The court heard that, at the end of January 2020, a bank card was stolen during a burglary at an address in Slough.

On January 27, the card was used to purchase £40 of whisky at Sandhu Food Stores.

The defendant was linked to this fraud after police released CCTV showing Hothi buying the alcohol.

A member of the public came forward to identify him - leading to his arrest.

Sentencing Hothi, Judge Sarah Campbell outlined his extensive criminal history, with 37 prior convictions for theft and other offences.

The judge said: "He's got an appalling criminal record.

"I appreciate there are specific fraud offences that are of some age, but he's got multiple convictions for theft throughout 2013, 2014, and so on."

Nevertheless, Judge Campbell remarked that Hothi had not reoffended since his arrest, stating: "There plainly is a prospect of rehabilitation."

On this basis, she handed him a three-month jail sentence, suspended for 18 months.