Members of Langley and Iver Rotary have been out and about in the fight against litter in the area.

Litter has been reportedly dumped regularly around Chequers Bridge on Market Lane in Langley. 

Armed with hi vis and litter picks, the groups went out in force and filled more than a dozen bags with rubbish.

Rotary President Angela said: “This site has been a favourite one with litter louts for years and this time it was particularly disgusting.”

The group found bags of domestic waste including nappies, beer cans and bottles, plastic bottles full of urine and discarded nitrous oxide canisters - many of which were dumped on the side of the road.

Angela added: "We filled 17 black sacks with rubbish this time having done a similar task in February.

"We were grateful to the many passing motorists who thanked us for our efforts."