The family of 19-year-old Temur Quereshi have released a statement following the conviction of his killer.

Mr Qureshi, 19, was stabbed in the Langley area of Slough on September 30 last year.

Jack Patterson, aged 18, has been found guilty of manslaughter and has been jailed for nine years over the killing.

READ MORE: Teenager jailed for NINE YEARS for killing Temur Qureshi

In court on Friday, May 31, Temur Qureshi's mother, Tatiana, spoke of the impact that his killing has had on their family,

Of the loss of her son, she says: "It was as if a part of my very soul was torn away, leaving behind nothing but an empty shell of the person I once was.

"Who I am now, without him by my side, is a question I ask myself every moment of every day."

Tatiana Qureshi notes that her son had a daughter.

She says: "That child will grow up without her father - without his love, his guidance, his presence."

Following the sentencing, Mrs Quereshi released a tribute to Mr Quereshi's life.

She wrote: "I want this to be a reminder to all those that carry knives, consider carrying knives, and especially for parents who have concerns that their children may have access to knives.

"Read my words and look at these images, then have a good think about what you and your children are doing.

"Do not let your child be next it will destroy the lives of you and your friends and family."

Slough Observer:

Sharing images from his life, Mrs Quereshi added: "Temur was more than just my son – he was my world, my reason for breathing. His absence leaves a void so deep; it feels like I’m drowning in sorrow every single day.

"This crime has affected so many people not just us, his immediate family. Temur loved his family in Pakistan and spent significant time there. His uncles, aunties and cousins will never see him again, and none could attend his funeral. They are devastated."

Slough Observer:

Mrs Quereshi has also reflected on the "love and laughter" Mr Quereshi brought into their lives and his "beautiful soul".

Mr Quereshi saw the loss of his best friend Abdulaziz in 2022.

Mrs Quereshi shared an image of the two boys and said: "Both these boys are now dead, as a direct result of knife crime in our community.

Slough Observer:

"Temur had to watch Abdulaziz pass away in front of him. I pray no other family had to go through what our families have been through."

When Mr Quereshi's daughter was born, he "dreamed of watching her grow" and "sharing her joys and triumphs".

Slough Observer:

Ending her tribute, Mrs Quereshi shared an image of Mr Quereshi's grave.

Slough Observer:

She said: "This is where I visit my son now, and will for the rest of my life. This is where I will shortly see him for his birthday.

"Before anyone even considers carrying a knife, think of these photographs, think of Temur and think of the huge life-changing impact you will have on countless people. This has to stop."