Battersea Old Windsor’s longest-serving volunteer is being celebrated for her support and care of thousands of dogs.

Ann Palmer started volunteering at Battersea in February 2000 - making this year her 24th year of service.

It all began when Ann wanted to spend more time with dogs and support animals who needed it most.

Since then, she has given thousands of hours of her time to volunteering at Battersea - which is being recognized in Volunteer Week (starting June 3).

In her role as a Dog Socialiser at the charity’s Berkshire Centre, Ann helps animals get ready for their new homes by taking them on regular walks, keeping their minds busy with games in their kennels and providing them with plenty of love and fuss.

Going the extra mile, she also cares for dogs in her own home through Battersea’s Fostering programme, helping prepare the animals for life in a loving new home.  

Reflecting on her volunteering journey, Ann said: “After my late mum’s Yorkshire Terrier sadly passed away, I really missed being around dogs and wanted to try something new.

"Even 24 years later, volunteering at Battersea is still the highlight of my week.

"Since starting my role, I have rehomed 12 dogs who have lived out their golden years with me.

"Battersea is such a special place and I always look forward to my next volunteering day.” 

Poppy Duckett, Volunteer Services Manager at Battersea, said: “Ann has made a real difference to the lives of so many animals during her time volunteering for us, from helping nervous dogs come out of their shells to giving them a friendly face to spend time with each day.

"From day one she got stuck in with life at Battersea, not only with her day-to-day duties but she’s always keen to get involved with everything, giving our grounds a spruce up and attending our events with her Battersea dogs. 

“We are so grateful for our dedicated volunteers like Ann who tirelessly support the animals in our care and nothing is ever too much trouble. Ann is an absolute pillar of our volunteering team at Battersea, and we are so lucky to have had her support for more than 24 years. Here’s to many more.” 

Battersea is always looking for volunteers and Foster Carers like Ann across its three centres, with opportunities available on their website.