A town centre bar has lost its licence to operate as a lap dancing club after 25 years thanks to a new housing development on the same road.

The Honeypot Bar on Queen Street in Maidenhead applied to renew its licence to operate as a sexual entertainment venue. But councillors decided it was no longer appropriate for the bar to stay in the area which has been ‘transformed’ by redevelopment.

Councillors decided ‘a lot had changed in the area'. They agreed that they 'did not believe that it was now appropriate to have a sexual entertainment venue in this area'.

The decision was made following a hearing at the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead on May 17.

READ MORE: Honeypot boss says 'no reason' to revoke licence in Maidenhead

Developers behind the One Maidenhead housing development had objected to the Honeypot’s application to renew its licence, arguing it was ‘no longer suitable’ for the town centre.

Get Living, which owns the development, said it hoped to attract some 1,200 new residents to the area ‘including young families.’

It said: “The development has been a key part of the regeneration of the town centre and will act as a catalyst for positive change in the area.

“We are therefore writing to object to the renewal of the license application as we do not believe it is appropriate to have a premises offering adult entertainment which does not fit in with the character of the local area or meet the aspiration of the new town centre.”

But at the hearing Honeypot owner John Sennett said there was ‘no reason’ for the council to revoke the licence as the area had not changed since the previous year.

He told councillors: “We’ve been there for 25 years with no objections ever upheld. We don’t have a police presence at all there, we don’t have any trouble.

“There’s no reason for you to take the licence away as it’s exactly the same as last year.”

Councillors Mandy Brar, Jack Douglas and Genevieve Gosling were tasked with making the decision as members of the council’s licensing and public space protection order sub committee.

A council report of their decision – made in private – says they agreed with developers’ objections.

READ MORE: Honeypot ‘no longer suitable’ for Maidenhead say developers

It says: “Councillor Douglas said that he believed that compared to that of previous years, the area in the vicinity of the premises had changed a lot over the years and questioned the appropriateness of the premises in the area now.

“Councillor Brar agreed and said that with the regeneration of Maidenhead, a lot had changed in the area.

“They agreed that they did not believe that it was now appropriate to have a sexual entertainment venue in this area. Councillor Gosling added that she agreed with what had been said.”

The three councillors then voted unanimously not to renew The Honeypot's licence to operate as a sexual entertainment venue.