A shop has been slammed with a £5,000 court bill after being found selling illegal vapes and cigarettes.

J&E Traders Limited, in St. Leonards Road, Windsor, pleaded guilty to three charges at Reading Magistrates’ Court on April 26.

In August 2023, 873 illegal vaping products were seized by the Trading Standards team. These products are illegal because they have a larger than permitted capacity and do not contain the required product information, labelling and health warnings.

On this date, 520 illegal cigarettes were also seized. They did not conform to the requirements for permitted colour of packaging for cigarettes, material, shape, opening and contents of packets and the appearance of cigarettes.

This followed the sale of a disposable nicotine vaping product to a 16-year-old volunteer during a Trading Standards test purchasing operation in June 2023. Only those aged 18 and over can legally buy vapes or e-cigarettes.

J&E Traders Limited must now pay total fines of £1,800, a victim surcharge of £720 and the Royal Borough’s costs of £2,914.80. The court also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the illegal vapes and cigarettes.

Councillor Richard Coe, cabinet member for Household & Regulatory Services, said: “I’d like to thank our Trading Standards team for their hard work on this case and their successful prosecution.

“This is a very serious matter. The laws around smoking are in place to protect the public and in particular young people, from products which could have a severe effect on the health of those who use them. The sale of illegal products also provides an unfair trading advantage over the vast majority of other shops, which fully comply with all legal requirements.

“This prosecution is a warning to retailers who sell tobacco and vaping products that the council are actively investigating underage sales and illegal products, and will not hesitate to take action when the law is broken. There is no excuse for not taking due diligence, particularly on sales of these products to under 18s.”

If you suspect a retailer is selling illegal vapes you can let the trading standards team know via email at Trading.Standards@RBWM.gov.uk