A Slough cancer surviver has raised £3,000 for Leukaemia UK after completing a skydive to celebrate her 30th birthday.

Shilpa Sehdev, the community engagement coordinator for NHS Blood and Transplant was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphocytic lymphocytic leukaemia at 19 years old.

At the age of 30, the Slough community champion is in remission but requires blood transfusioms due to complications to her bone marrow during treatment.

She is calling on local residents to join her in support for blood donations and cancer research.

Shilpa, said: “It’s remarkable how a single bag of donated blood can transform your life from one of draining fatigue to renewed energy.

“Within hours of receiving a transfusion, the colour returns to my pale cheeks, energy levels surge, and the world becomes a brighter, more manageable place.”

Despite going into remission 18 months after her diagnosis, the Slough charity worker receives red blood cell transfusions every six to eight weeks. This is only possible thanks to donors.

Shilpa requires regular blood transfusions because following her treatment her bone marrow became sluggish and was producing blood cells at a slower rate leading to shortage of oxygen carrying haemoglobin.

If left untreated, this can be life-threatening causing a profound impact of daily life.

Without transfusions, Shilpa was struggling to complete everyday tasks such as walking up a flight of stairs.

She added: “The impact of a transfusion extends far beyond physical well-being; it breathes new life into my body. Suddenly, plans and dreams that seemed out of reach become possible once more.

“It’s a reminder of the incredible gift of life that comes from the generosity of blood donors.

“I owe an immeasurable debt of gratitude to NHS Blood and Transplant. Not only have they been instrumental in keeping me alive through their vital work, but they have also shown unwavering support as an employer, accommodating my needs, and helping me navigate the complexities of living with a chronic illness.”

The NHS British Blood and Transplant provides the blood donation service for England and the organ donation service for the UK.

The centre in Reading is one of only three in the UK where people can donate plasma.