A major 400 home development is set to be considered by councillors next week.

The site in north west Windsor at Sawyers Close would see a total of 413 homes built along with community space, a cycle hub and parking.

It is scheduled to be deliberated by councillors on the Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee on Thursday, December 7.

If approved, it would include 30 per cent affordable housing – of which 45 per cent would be social rent, 35 per cent would be affordable rent and 20 per cent would be shared ownership.

The homes would range from one to four bedrooms, with the homes spread across nine apartment blocks and seven rows of townhouses.

It would include 365 parking spaces and 654 secure cycle storage spaces. There would also be an area of play, a communal orchard and allotment.

The officers’ report reads: “Mitigation is proposed to address potential capacity impacts at the Smiths Lane/Maidenhead Road junction identified by the submitted Transport Assessment. The applicant has agreed appropriate mitigation. Taking account of the existing residential units that exist on site, the need for this mitigation would need to be provided after a net gain of 150 dwellings (342 residential units in total) are built out and occupied.

“A legal agreement would need to be secured to ensure an appropriate financial contribution is secured to fund off-site highways mitigation. Mitigation is also in the form of the scheme being designed to encourage alternative sustainable modes of travel.

“With this mitigation secured, the scheme is considered to be acceptable on transport grounds.

“It has also been demonstrated that the proposals would not result in material harm to heritage assets, including non-designated heritage assets, ecology, trees, landscaping or flood risk and would introduce sustainability measures to reduce the carbon footprint of the development, subject to the use of appropriate conditions and/or securing this through the legal agreement.”