A “struggling” Old Windsor pub is set to have major improvement works carried out despite objections from the parish council.

The Union Inn on Crimp Hill had applied for planning permission to install a single-storey rear extension – allowing the creation of five new guest bedrooms.

This would see the number of bedrooms at the pub increase from 13 to 18 in a bid to boost this side of the business.

The plans also included scope for retractable awning, a new access ramp and an air source heat pump. The works would also see the pub’s parking area reconfigured.

The applicant’s planning statement reads: “The proposal is visually acceptable and would not harm the character and appearance of the host building; the semi-rural location of which it forms part or the open character of the green belt.

“The proposal would not have an adverse impact on the visual amenities of the site, neighbouring amenity or cause any highway issues.”

A viability assessment of the pub stated that the current operations are “inherently unviable” and that the “only feasible” option would be to expand the room-letting side of the business.

However, the parish council put forward objections to the plan – raising concerns around parking and the site’s Green Belt location.

Parish councillors argued the proposed development did not meet requirements to be deemed Very Special Circumstances.

However, Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead planning officers approved the plans, claiming that the “business, social, economic and environmental benefits” of the development would outweigh any impact on the Green Belt.

In their report, planning officers noted: “The current business is struggling financially and has been making losses for several years.

“The current proposal for a small- scale extension will enable the number of bedrooms to increase from 13 to 18. This is considered necessary for the current business model to adapt and become financially viable.”

The report adds: “The proposal would retain the public house element which arguably provides some community benefit.

“In addition, the proposal would provide visitor accommodation, one of the key objectives of the Borough Local Plan, to enable the continued success and evolution of the borough’s distinct visitor economy by providing sufficient visitor accommodation.”

To find out more about this planning application, visit the RBWM planning portal with the reference 23/00782/FULL.