A waste recycling centre in Slough could soon be redeveloped into an industrial and logistics unit under plans set to be considered by councillors next week.

The proposals would see existing buildings demolished at the site off Poyle New Cottages to make way for the new development.

If approved, it would be used for “industrial processes”, storage and distribution and would also include office floorspace.

The officers’ report reads: “The site lies south of Galleymead House, east of the former Staines to West Drayton railway line and north of the Poyle Channel, and Poyle New Cottages. The site is just under 0.8 hectares in size.

“The sites lawful use is as a recycling centre and has been used as a waste recycling centre since 1999 and is used by the operator in association with their office and vehicle workshop premises on the east side of the private access road.

“Over the course of the application, it was confirmed by the applicant that waste operations at the site have effectively ceased with the operator working with other waste facilities in the borough transporting waste to these sites.”

Parking for staff is expected to be provided at the southern part of the site, of which 10 per cent are proposed for electric vehicle charging.

This would include 39 spaces for cars – including two accessible car parking spaces – and five heavy goods vehicle parking spaces.

The officers’ report also notes that the development is estimated to generate 27 fewer HGV trips per day compared to the waste processing facility.

It reads: “In terms of vehicle trips the proposed development will result in a reduction of vehicle movements by 27 HGV trips compared to the consented limit of the current use. There would be an increase in car trips as the current use makes no provision for car parking.”

The plans are set to be discussed by Slough Borough Council’s planning committee on November 29.

To find out more about this planning application, visit Slough Borough Council’s planning portal with the reference P/10697/015.