Proposals to turn a Slough butchers into a pizza restaurant have been refused over noise and traffic concerns.

Slough Borough Council officers refused to grant change of use permission following several objections from neighbours.

The plans were proposing a hot food and pizza takeaway set up shop at the site on Woodland Avenue, which would have operated Monday to Sunday between 11am and 11pm.

The design and access statement reads: “The existing butcher shop has ample space for change of use to proposed hot food and pizza takeaway.

“It is proposed to convert the meat shop on the front of Woodland Avenue to hot food and pizza takeaway with overhead extractor canopy, with its extract duct opening above flat roof abutting the first floor wall over its roof.”

An extractor duct and a new advertising sign would have also been included, with the applicant claiming that noise insulation techniques required by regulations would be used.

However, some residents voiced fears with the planning authority that the proposed takeaway could bring more noise and traffic to the area.

One wrote that the area is “already congested” and raised concerns that the development could “lead to an escalation.”

Another said that any increase in traffic to the area would be “unbearable.”

The applicant claimed the proposals would have “no adverse impact” on road access and that “it provides a sympathetic visual appearance to the street architecture.”

However, planning officers deemed the development inappropriate for a “predominantly” residential area and claimed the extraction flue would be “visually harmful” to the character of the street scene.

Refusing the application, they wrote: “The proposal by reason of the use as a takeaway, opening hours and location of the extract flue would be likely to lead to detriment to the flat above the shop and also to surrounding residential properties by reason of noise and disturbance from the takeaway, and vibration and fumes from the extract duct.”

Officers added there was “insufficient” car parking provided as part of the proposal.

They wrote: “It is the view of the Local Planning Authority that the proposed development does not improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area for the reasons given in this notice and it is not in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.”

To find out more about this planning application, visit Slough Borough Council’s planning portal with the reference P/00448/009.