Three proposed new homes have been refused planning permission following concerns it they would appear “visually cramped” at the site.

The planned houses on Nightingale Lane, Maidenhead would have been built following the demolition of an existing bungalow at the site.

Planning officers noted that the “dwellings have been designed in a contemporary form with a mixed material palette and fenestration arrangement.

“The dwellings incorporate gable roof profiles with covered balconies and projecting cantilevered bay windows at first floor level.”

Each of the homes would have had individual access – with off-street parking also included as part of the plans.

However, planning permission was refused after officers decided the proposal “fails to contribute to the existing character and quality of the area.”

Officers also raised concerns about the apparent density of the proposed development.

They wrote: “The proposed dwellings would share an intimate relationship, all three located within close proximity to each other, thereby reducing visual gaps which exist within the plot by spanning development with a strong vertical emphasis across the extent of the plot.

“The towering aspect of the dwellings fails to respond to the more traditional two-storey type appearance of dwellings, with modest hipped profiles found in the surrounding area.

“The roof profiles of the dwellings with embedded covered balconies and gable features only serves to add further top-heavy bulk and massing to the roof level which exacerbates its harm.”

To find out more about this planning application, visit the RBWM planning portal with the reference 23/01732/FULL.