A backlash to plans to build an extra floor on a Sunningdale apartment block has prompted the proposal to be refused.

The application would have seen an additional storey built on a block at Beverley Court on Cedar Drive to free up space for four new flats.

Each of the flats would have had private amenity space – and four car parking spaces were also included in the plans.

However, it was met with backlash from several residents – while planning officers denied permission after deeming it would make the building 'unduly prominent in the street scene'.

Sunningdale Parish Council “strongly” requested that the application be refused over its potential impact on the neighbourhood.

It wrote: “Because of the overall scale and bulk of these blocks of flats, the proposed development would appear dominant and incongruous within its surroundings.

“The development would result in the overdevelopment of Cedar Drive which would be at odds with the character of the immediate area.”

Residents frequently cited worries around car parking, with planning officers noting “significant concern” among responses to this end.

Resident Josephine James claimed that an “insurmountable” parking problem already exists on the drive, and raised fears that the additional parking spaces for the new flats could lead to further loss of space.

In their report, planning officers wrote: “At the current time cars park on grass verges within the garage court and in front of existing garages.

“There is also concern raised regarding suitable provision of access for emergency vehicles.”

Others raised worries about potential noise during construction works, with resident Valerie Ponticq writing to suggest this could have an impact on those who work from home at the block.

The planning report reads: “The addition of a fourth storey with a flat roof would add both height and bulk to the existing buildings and the overall height would measure between 11.1m-11.3m which would be considerable higher than the prevailing height of the surrounding dwellings.

“Overall, the resulting buildings would appear unduly prominent in the street scene and would be inconsistent with the prevailing height and form of the neighbouring properties and would appear out of keeping with the locality in general.”

To find out more about this planning application, visit RBWM’s planning portal with the reference 23/02160/PT20A.