Royal Borough residents are invited to share their view on proposed routes for subsidised bus services.

With the existing bus route contracts set to expire in summer 2024, the council is looking for feedback on suggested updates to routes and stops.

Around half of bus routes in the borough are subsidised, which costs the council £1.1m per year to support.

Council transport lead councillor Geoff Hill said: “Our bus contracts are more than five years old, but things have changed significantly since before the pandemic and we have seen a change in passenger behaviour and reduction in people travelling with a bus pass, alongside increased running costs for bus companies and the council.”

Residents are asked to share view on six different packages of routes, including Maidenhead town services and ones for Windsor, Datchet, Wraysbury and Staines.

The proposed changes have been put forward amid changing passenger habits due to the Covid pandemic and growing running costs for bus companies.

Councillor Hill added: “We now want residents’ views on the proposed routes for subsidised bus services in the Royal Borough from 2024 to ensure they meet user needs and want to understand whether there are any additional streets that they believe the routes should specifically connect to.

“Please do take the time to look at the proposed streets carefully that the buses will be serving in our communities and give us your views, or let us know if there any gaps based on your own needs and the places you want to travel to.”

Residents can submit their views to for the consultation online, which runs until Wednesday, December 20.

Anyone who does not have internet access can use public-access computers at local libraries, where paper copies are also available upon request.

Approval will be subject to a cabinet decision in March, with the new contracts due to start in August if given the green light.

A statement on the council website reads: “The council now wants to hear from residents and businesses. For each of these packages, are there any additional destinations that are not shown in the information sheet that you believe the bus routes should connect to?

“We want to hear your views. Read the information sheets that are relevant to you and complete the survey on this page to have your say.”

Find the link to the consultation response survey here.