A modern Windsor office block is set to get solar panels in a bid to boost its environmental performance.

Photovoltaic (PV) panels will be put on the roof of Riverside House, which sits next to Windsor and Eton Riverside railway station.

Despite the site falling within a conservation area, the applicant noted the visual impact of the panels would be reduced by the roof layout – with the pitched roof area earmarked for panels “set back a considerable distance from the building edges".

The planning statement added: “The landlord is currently undertaking various improvements to the premises as part of their environment and sustainability policy to raise the environmental performance of the building, which has been recognised as an increasingly important criteria for prospective tenants when seeking premises.”

It was further noted that the landlord recently installed 10 electric vehicle charging points to encourage the use of greener cars.

Royal Borough planning officers granted approval to the development, noting that it would comply with relevant planning policies.

They wrote: “It is not considered that the solar PV equipment would appear unduly prominent or obtrusive and it would have a minimal effect on the external appearance of the building and the amenity of the area.

“The proposal would have no significant impact on the character and significance of any heritage asset.”