A man has been jailed after attempting to burgle six homes.

Robert O’Brien, aged 36, of no fixed abode, was found guilty of six counts of attempted burglary by a jury at Reading Crown Court on Monday, November 13.

Between midnight and 10am on 28 June, O’Brien attempted to enter six different properties in Adephi Gardens, Shaggy Calf Lane, Bradley Road, Finefield Walk and Duke Place, Slough.

At each of the properties, he tried to open the front door but was unsuccessful on each try.

An investigation was launched and O’Brien was arrested on July 4 and was remanded in custody. 

In a hearing at Reading Crown Court hearing, O’Brien was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for the offences.

Case Investigator, Pauline Carrie, of the Priority Crime Team based at Slough police station, said: “I hope that O’Brien’s sentence demonstrates that Thames Valley Police will not tolerate burglary and we will always work hard to pursue offenders and put them before the courts.

“Our investigation has removed O’Brien from the streets, and I hope he will use his time in custody to reflect upon his actions.”