AN army maintenance engineer has been jailed after hitting his daughter with a pot and a knife sharpener in Slough.

Sorin Butean was sentenced at Reading Crown Court on Tuesday (November 14) for two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm to his daughter and his former partner.

He attacked the pair on October 19 last year after getting in an argument with them at the dinner table.

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Judge Joanna Matson jailed him for 18 months, quoting the daughter who described the incident as a ‘vicious assault’.

Opening the case, barrister Sarita Bashir said the family had been at the dinner table at about 9pm when Butean reprimanded his daughter for encouraging her younger brother to eat his dinner.

The court heard Butean told his daughter not to speak her brother ‘in that manner’ before the pair got into a verbal argument.

“Suddenly, the defendant got up and grabbed the daughter by her hair and pushed her towards her mother and hit her three times with his wrist with force,” said Ms Bashir.

“She managed to pull away and was used the glass she was holding to hit him and tried to make her escape but this further enraged him.

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“He threw utensils at her including knives and said, ‘I don’t give a f*** if I got to prison’. He grabbed a metal rod and started to hit his daughter around the head.”

The daughter managed to flee the kitchen and hide in a bedroom before Butean turned the metal rod, used for sharpening knives, on his wife.

Ms Bashir said the daughter was ‘so frightened’ that she would be killed by Butean that she escaped through a first-floor window onto the top of a car to escape the property and seek help.

In a victim impact statement, the daughter described the incident as a ‘vicious assault on her by her own father, someone who should have cared for her’.

The court that Butean, a maintenance engineer for the army, had been consuming alcohol at the time of the incident and that he is of previous good character.

His defence barrister argued the attack was ‘impulsive’ and not pre-meditated.

Sentencing Butean, Judge Matson said: “It’s very clear to me that you took time to think about this.

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“You got up, you looked, you then moved the chair out of the way and you then grabbed your daughter – that’s not impulsive as far as I’m concerned.”

Butean, of Mill Street, Slough, was also made subject to a three-year restraining order.