A planning applicant has laid out their case for extensions to a property not to be considered inappropriate Green Belt development.

The proposals would see two single storey infill extensions added to the property on Hodge Lane, Winkfield.

In a planning statement, reasons are outlined why the applicant believes it would not be unsuitable for the Green Belt, including the relative size of the development.

The planning statement reads: “The proposed single storey extensions would fully integrate with the existing dwelling in design terms and would not result in the dwelling being disproportionately larger than the original dwelling. It would not change the scale of the dwelling in relation to its plot, or the wider area.

“The floor space and volume increases when compared to the ‘original’ dwellinghouse are modest.”

It adds: “The proposed extensions will be in keeping with the character of the host property and will not harm the amenity of any adjoining land uses. There are no trees within close proximity.”

The planning statement claims that the proposed development would not add a relatively large amount of floorspace, noting a comparison with previous extensions.

Green Belt Zones exist to prevent urban sprawl into the countryside surrounding major cities, giving the areas greater protections against development – often seeing far more stringent requirements put in place for plans to be approved.

The planning statement adds: “The proposed extensions adjoin existing walls on three sides and are effectively infilling existing ground floor void areas which are currently underused and in essence make little to no meaningful contribution towards Green Belt openness.”

If approved, the plans would see the infill extensions added to the side and rear of the property.

The statement reads: “The proposal is for two small single storey extensions which effectively infill two existing voids enabling this existing space to be re-used as habitable floor area as opposed to being underused space.”

To find out more about this planning application, visit RBWM’s planning portal with the reference 23/02700/FULL.