Planning permission has been granted for a new, bigger garage for a home in a leafy neighbourhood of Ascot.

The home on Monks Walk has been given approval to demolish an existing garage to make way for a larger replacement with habitable accommodation.

The site has been subject to several planning applications over the past few years, including a similar plan that was refused in August over insufficient information regarding tree protection.

A different extension plan had been approved in 2022, but this has not yet been implemented.

Outlining the area, the planning officers’ report reads: “The site lies within the character area ‘Villas in a Woodland Setting’ as classified in the Townscape Assessment. These areas are characterised by low density housing comprising large villas set in large, irregular plots.

“Buildings are set well back from the road and mature trees form a sylvan backdrop. There are other examples of large, detached garages forward of the dwelling in the vicinity of the site including ‘Monks House’ to the north of the site.”

The report noted differences between the already approved plan and the new proposals, with the new garage plans representing a key distinction.

It reads: “The proposed garage would be larger in terms of height, scale and footprint than the existing garage to be demolished. It has been designed to reflect the architectural style, design and materials of the permitted dwelling, not yet implemented.

“The garage needs to be assessed in relation to both the existing dwelling and the extant proposed dwelling.”

However, officers deemed that the development would site “reasonably comfortably” in the plot and would not detract from the character of the area.

It was also noted that a some branches on a nearby oak tree would need to be removed to accommodate the development.

An additional oak is set to be planted, and officers ruled the proposals also have an “acceptable” impact on trees. This new tree was listed among the conditions for approval.

Officers further noted: “Monks Walk is a private road, and the existing access arrangements will remain unchanged.

“The proposed garage provides 3 parking spaces and there is ample space to provide further parking on the driveway.”

To find out more about this planning application, visit the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s planning portal with the reference 23/02096/FULL.