Plans for dozens of new homes – including 32 affordable homes –  just south of the M4 have been unanimously approved by councillors.

Members of the Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee voted unanimously to approve the development on land to the read of 45 to 63 London Road, Datchet.

The plans are set to see a total 80 homes built on the site. Planning officers recommended that the proposals be approved subject to a legal agreement to secure 40 per cent affordable housing.

However, some concerns were raised about the site’s proximity to such major roads.

Speaking at the meeting, councillor David Buckley also raised questions about the plans’ compliance with council policy.

He said: “This is not personal, it’s not to do with whether we like it – this is purely about policy. I ask members to look at the policies.”

However, the officers’ report states the application is “considered to comply” with the Borough plan requirements.

It reads: “There are significant benefits surrounding the proposal which more than adequately demonstrate that the proposal is justified and planning permission should be forthcoming, subject to conditions and the Section 106 legal agreement to secure a contribution towards the Council’s carbon offset fund, affordable housing, biodiversity net gain, play provision and the Section 278 legal agreement securing off-site highway improvements.”

The 80 homes proposed would include 62 houses and 18 apartments along with a play area, communal orchard and sustainable drainage system.

The affordable housing included would be split between social rent, affordable rent and shared ownership.

A total of 12 of the houses will be one-bedroom, nine will be two-bedroom, 33 will be three-bedroom, 19 will be four-bedroom and seven will be five-bedroom.

These houses would all be two stories in height and include a mix of terraced, semi-detached, link-detached and detached homes.

Two vehicle access points are planned, one from London Road and one from Riding Court Road. A pedestrian and cycle access point will also be included from the London Road pavement.

The site does not fall within the Green Belt, and is outside of the Datchet Conservation Area.

To find out more about this planning application, visit the RBWM planning portal with reference 22/02737/FULL.