A SLOUGH man texted his ex-girlfriend telling her she should have ‘treated him good’ before stabbing her father twice.

Ben Donnelly, 29, has denied attempted murder and is now on trial at Reading Crown Court after the incident on May 22 last year in Market Lane, Slough.

The court heard on Wednesday (May 17) that Donnelly, of Scholars Walk, Langley, stabbed the 60-year-old man once in the chest and once in the leg at about 1.30am.

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This was after he sent ‘abusive and angry’ messages to his ex-girlfriend threatening to kill her, her parents and himself.

Upon arrest, Donnelly remained silent. He has pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding and possession of a bladed article.

However, it is the Crown’s case that the stabbing was an attempted murder. The jury will also be presented with an alternative change of wounding with intent.

Opening the trial, prosecutor Patrick Dennis said that Donnelly and his ex-partner’s relationship had got into ‘real difficulties’ early last year.

Three days prior to the incident, Donnelly allegedly messaged his ex-partner threatening to kill himself.

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Mr Dennis said: “The defendant was telling [her] how much he hated her and it was threatening and he said he would kill himself and then followed abusive messages from the defendant as [the ex-partner] did not reply.

“He continued to be abusive towards [her] and her mother and called her mother a fat, cancer-ridden w****. He said he would kill himself and [her].”

On the evening of the incident, Donnelly allegedly messaged his ex-partner saying: “Well done you f****** w****, you don’t have a mum and dad, haha, b****, you should have treated me good,” followed by: “You have two minutes.”

He also sent messages to his own mother claiming ‘two will die tonight’ and only his ex-girlfriend replying to his messages can change his actions.

Donnelly was then caught driving past the father’s home in Market Lane, Slough on a motorbike at about 1.15pm.

The father heard a crash and went to the door to the find the defendant.

“There was a struggle,” said Mr Dennis. “The defendant stabbed [the father] once in the leg and once in the chest.

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“The defendant’s blade then broke and that’s why he fled the scene.” He then allegedly text his mother saying: “I just stabbed him and lost my knife so I can’t kill myself.”

He was later arrested and taken to Abingdon Police Station.

The trial continues.

Slough Observer: