AN EQUESTRIAN site that is within the Metropolitan Green Belt is set to be developed into four homes after councillors unanimously approved the plans.

The Banstock Stable and a nearby bungalow in Cherry Garden Lane, Littlewick Green, Maidenhead, are set to be demolished for houses.

Three homes will be built within the Metropolitan Green Belt and a fourth home will replace the bungalow.

The plans proposed three five-bedroom homes and one three-bedroom dwelling as well as double and triple garages for the houses.

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Despite policies protecting the Green Belt, Royal Borough planning officers believed the development will not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing buildings.

Speaking at Wednesday’s Maidenhead development management panel, the applicant’s agent Paul Dickinson argued the site is not agriculture but equestrian, meaning it is classed as previously developed land and is allowed to be developed under national legislation.

Planning officers also found the proposal to include a new wildflower meadow of approximately 635sqm and approximately of new native hedging as well as a financial contribution of £28,376 to off-set carbon from the development to be acceptable.

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While no affordable homes are included, the applicant could provide nearly £250,000 for affordable homes to be provided off-site – subject to a legal agreement being signed off.

Cllr Gurch Singh (Lib Dem: St Mary’s), who put forward a motion to approve the plans, said it was a “good scheme” and the homes don’t “look too bad”.

The panel convened on Wednesday, April 19. This is the last Maidenhead development management panel meeting before next month’s election.