A healthcare provider which was previously slammed with a 'requires improvement' rating has been rated 'good' in a new CQC report.

Cure Healthcare Services Limited, situated at Burnham House on Burnham High Street, provides personal care and support to people in their own homes.

It offers care to people with dementia, autistic people, people with a learning disability and people with a mental health condition living across Buckinghamshire and Slough.

In August 2019 the service was given a 'requires improvement' rating, with the leadership of the service scoring 'inadequate'.

The report found that "people were not always protected from the risk of harm" and "were not routinely supported by a dignified service".

There was also a "lack of clear management within the service" and a significant breach in failing to ensure medicine records were completed accurately.

Now, four years on, the service has been awarded 'good' by the CQC in all categories, despite a significant drop of service users, from 38 in 2019 to seven in 2023.

The report praises the healthcare providers for making service users feel 'safe' with one individual commenting "I am so safe with her (care staff) and I miss her when she leaves".

"People were kept safe from avoidable harm because staff knew how to protect them from abuse" and "there was sufficient staff to support people" the report found.

Service users said they felt "valued" by staff who showed a "genuine interest in their well-being and quality of life", while receiving personalised care.

Staff were also praised for being "polite and observant" and giving service users choice and control in their care plans and daily visits, ensuring consent is given before care and support are delivered.

"Care plans documented how staff should support people at mealtimes and provided people with choice," the report continued.

The care provider, who was previously breaching regulations with their handling of medicine records, now follows national guidelines.

Good infection control practices have been maintained since Covid-19 according to the CQC report.

"They were excellent during COVID-19 (pandemic) and we had nothing to worry about on that front," a service user said.

Meanwhile, staff are provided with detailed guidance on how to manage people's needs and were found to be supported by training.

Staff files showed all the required recruitment checks were compliant with the relevant regulation.

  • The care provider has been approached for comment